Sriram’s called me to his office upstairs. I'm not feeling too good about this because, it is just a few minutes AFTER Sriram's caught me Facebooking/G-talking – AGAIN – instead of working. AGAIN being the bazillionth time AFTER I've been explicitly told that Facebooking/G-talking was against office policy.
Stupid Office Policy.
CS gets another call and he pops his head over the partition. I’m wanted in the office NOW.
My back sweating slightly, I walk upstairs trying to school my face into a mask of innocence.
Sriram’s on the phone and he motions me to sit down while he doodles on his diary and takes the call. “Oh Goody”, I think, “More time to stew.”
I decide that the plan was going to be, DENY EVERYTHING. Deny even having a Facebook/G-talk account. And the guiltier I am, the more vehemently I would deny all charges.
As plans went, I realized that there were more holes than plan in mine, but at least I felt armed.
Sriram’s doodle now covered an entire page. Looked like he was designing something for a carpet manufacturer. A carpet manufacturer who hopefully didn't have eyes.
The call ended and Sriram turns around to smile at me.
(That’s a good sign …. Isn’t it? Smiling? GULP)
“Edel. I’ve thought of something. You’re addicted to Facebook. Looks like there’s nothing we can do about that. So how about if we use it for our advantage? Synamen’s advantage?”
“You remember the new marketing strategies and ideas you came up with to promote PROHIVE?”
“So write a blog about us. About Synamen. About PROHIVE. About how you feel working in this office, being the only fe – er – woman here. Tell all your Facebook friends to read it. And if they are anything like you, they’ll promote it to others during their office hours (That’s hitting below the belt, I thought. True, but hitting below the belt nevertheless) We could use all the help we can get just about now.”
Sooooooooo ……..
I look at Sriram and Sriram looks at me.
I blink. “Er. Nothing. This is unexpected that’s all”
“Well I had to think of some way to use your addiction to our advantage.”
Cheap-shot that.
So I’m now sitting in front of my ‘puter and writing this. BLOG.
A blog about my office and my colleagues. A fly on the wall account of what happens everyday.
Hmmmmmm. This could well turn-out to be very interesting.
New FB Status Message: ‘I have the coolest job in the whole world. I’m going to write a Blog about my office and get paid for it too’