Seriously, this is the most exciting concept I’ve heard.
And I’m PROUD to be associated with it.
Go SYNAMEN!!!!!!
Have you heard of that old story – it could be true or it could be a fable. But this is how it goes …..
Christopher Columbus was at a dinner hosted by the King and Queen of Spain, in honor of his discovery of the ‘Indies’.
There was a table full of aristocrats and Europe’s elite.
And they were belittling this great explorer’s achievement. Subtly of course and with great political correctness.
“Anyone could have done what Columbus has done”, they said with generous smiles.
“It just happened that it was him. I mean I could have done it too … had I thought of it.”
“What’s the big fuss about a spot of sailing and planting a flag on a shore?”
And so they talked and so Columbus kept his peace.
Then the great explorer said, “Ladies and gentlemen. I have a wager. I challenge any one of you fine folk to make this egg stand on one end - without support - and I will publicly declare that I am no hero.”
The Bourgeois scrambled to prove that they were the better.
And they all failed.
Finally, the loudest of the lot declared that this was an impossible task and collectively declared their defeat.
Columbus took the egg from the man, crushed it a little on one end and made the egg stand.
The room fell silent.
Every time I work on PROHIVE, I’m reminded of this story.
For PROHIVE is simplicity itself.
There was a need. My Bosses recognized it, have worked-out how to address this need and are now working feverishly towards launching a Portal that could very well revolutionize the way you and I do business over the net.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I take Great Pride in welcoming you all into the world of PROHIVE.