Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So there’s Boss, talking to this gentleman who wants to rent Boss’s dad’s factory-space in Vellacherry.

As usual, Boss is talking – a lot.

And in the course of the conversation, the gentleman – Sunil - wants to know what SYNAMEN is currently involved in, and this, of course, prompts Boss to talk some more – it’s easy when someone loves the sound of his own voice so much.

Mr. Sunil appears very interested.

So Boss tells him to look our web-site up and read my Blog [ahem ahem …… I’ll just wait for the applause to die-down then ;)] …. which Mr. Sunil does and tells his wife to do ..... because, let's face it, The Blog is SPECTACULAR.

Now Vidhu, Mr. Sunil’s wife, is a Computer Programmer with an enviable track record and experience behind her. She’d decided to stay at home to take care of their daughter, Anna, for a few years, but now that Anna is old enough to go to school, Vidhu wanted to start working again.

So she reads my Blog and is at once impressed with SYNAMEN – Because of my Blog, not to overstate a point, that is.

She tells her husband, who gets in touch with Boss, who, in turn, invites her to come by to our office and have a look see at the place.

And she does ……

Later that evening, Boss calls me to his office and tells me that Vidhu had been keen on joining SYNAMEN after reading my Blog.

I tried hard not to preen – who am I kidding? I strutted around and felt like a million bucks.

Do you reckon I can ask for incentives?

I won’t get any, but it can’t hurt to ask ;)

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