Friday, March 12, 2010


The upside of ‘working’ in the Reject’s Corner in SYNAMEN is that people forget I’m there, and that let’s me eavesdrop on conversations quite shamelessly.

Usually the conversations are so boring it’s a wonder I don’t go brain-dead immediately.

Example ….

“Glibbety glock, computer jargon, weird abbreviation and blah blah blah”

(it’s like ‘Puter Geeks have their own language. First, their own language. Next stop, world domination? Yikes!)

Then there’s squeaking chairs (IT Professionals aren’t exactly known for being in shape) drumming fingers, post-lunch smells and constant fiddling with the AC controls forcing me to wear a parka inside the office.

And then comes along a conversation - like this, and it makes everything worthwhile (LOL) ……

Sriram : what about a rectangle?

Jothi : Or a square?

Sriram : Maybe a square

Jothi : or a rectangle?

Intelligent silence follows.

Huh? :o

I get up to go see what’s going on.

Sriram : we’re trying to decide if the thumbnails should be squares or rectangles in PROHIVE.

(I resist the urge to check the nail on my thumb)

Sriram then holds up two fingers.

“Touch one” he says to Jothi.

Jothi does.

“Square” Sriram declares.

“Touch one” he offers to Thamizh.

Thamizh does.

“Square” Sriram declares once again.

Square it is!


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