I’d heard quite a bit about her from my sister.
That she loves movies as much as I do and can talk movies all day long.
I thought, ‘I like her already.’
We exchanged a couple of e-mails, we talked briefly on the phone and I met her for the first time in BBQ Nation, December 2008.
The next time I saw her was during the Women’s Film Festival, first week of March this year, in Sathyam Cinemas.
Dork that I am, I was watching the films and documentaries with a note-book in hand – taking the occasional notes. Archana called me and told me that she was running late and when she did finally walk in, I hid my note-book and pen in my ruck-sack …. Who needed an audience for ‘Nerdiness’, right?
We hugged like long-lost friends and ‘Hi’-ed, and settled down to watch a documentary about how difficult life was for single lesbians in Korea.
Then it was time for the iconic Mirch Masala.
Out of the corner of my eye ……….
I saw …………….
Archana …………………
bend down to open her bag and bring a notebook out!!!!!!!
It was A4 size note-book, ruled, front and back.
Wow !
She then proceeded to cover 7 pages with notes while watching the film – never losing track of both!
In the race for Nerdiness – I had just been beaten and HOW!
A month ago, Archana, aka Chucks, calls me and asks me if Sriram was hiring.
I said, “Sure, if you’ll work for free.” (Chuckle Chuckle Guffaw)
She stunned me with a “Sure!”
Blink …. Blink.
A hurried phone call to Sriram and then he calls her and VIOLA! Another woman in the SYNAMEN office, thanks to yours truly.
And that’s why I’m so wonderful.
[Maybe I should ask for a raise :D]
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